The above image shows a patch of degraded scrub typical of uncultivated land in low-lying areas, consisting of a mixture of genuine Canary Island flora together with various invasive species.
In the shady area on the left is a species of Sorrel (Rumex lunaria) and, right of centre, the bright green, succulent foliage of a Verode (Kleinia nerifolia) can be seen. It is in this latter bush that a pair of Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) have decided to nest...
Both parents assiduously feed the chicks, usually perching on the Sorrel bush before first swooping down, and then up, through the branches of the Verode, often in one single movement, as the following image attempts to illustrate.

At ISO 400 and 1/3200 of a second, this photo leaves plenty of room for improvement! When either of the birds briefly perches before flying up to the nest rim, as was the case with the female below, it is obviously much easier to freeze the action.

The remaining images show the two birds transporting food items to the breeding site, which is located in a ludicrously exposed position very close to a track, in an area which offers an almost unlimited supply of more secluded, virtually impenetrable vegetation of exactly the same type. So why there precisely?

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